Community raises over $37,000 for a bullied boy, who went door-to-door asking for friends

Neighbors raise $37K for bullied boy who was asking for friends
During the week a little boy in Texas gained a lot of attention. The boy was in his neighborhood going door-to-door asking for friends. It turns out, the boy didn’t have any friends of his own. Sadly, the children he did spend time with spent their time bullying him. As a result, the child took matters into his own hands to change his situation. When he made that decision, he did more than he bargained for. A couple of his neighbors banded together and ended up raising $37,000 for the boy.
Currently, there are ongoing political debates about bullying. While no one can stop children from being children, kids are going too far. Some children are being picked on so badly that they’ve made the decision to end their own lives. While these situations are temporary, the child sees no way out. As a result, the parents are heartbroken. After all, to give birth and raise a child, the child is more than likely raised in a loving home. It’s heartbreaking to see that child then get mistreated in the world.
A little boy in Texas was the victim of bullying, but he was also determined. Since the kids he’s growing up with don’t appreciate his friendship, he took matters into his own hands. The boy went door-to-door in his community, asking if there were any kids his age who wanted to be friends. He also explained that he was being picked on by the kids he knows. As a result, a couple in his neighborhood launched a GoFundMe for the kid. They’ve raised $37,000 so far.
Source: Daily Loud
Neighbors raise $37K for bullied boy who was asking for friends