Zion Williamson’s Former Agent Alleges He Took Gifts To Attend Duke
Zion Williamson recently sued his former agent Gina Ford after it was alleged that his contract with her was illegal based on provisions outlined by North Carolina’s Uniform Athlete Agent Act. Williamson went on to sign with CAA and now, Ford is suing Zion and his new representation for upwards of $100 million in damages. While this legal battle seemed to be nothing we haven’t seen before, it is now getting ugly as Ford is making some massive allegations.
According to attorney Daniel Wallach, Ford has hit Zion with various requests for admission. Essentially, Ford is alleging that Zion took gifts and other benefits in order to take his talents to Duke University. Ford also claims Zion’s mother and step-father were working on his behalf to secure benefits in exchange for wearing Nike and Adidas shoes.
Taking any sort of gift as a University student can land you in some serious hot water as an NCAA athlete. Of course, Zion is an NBA player now so it’s not like he could be severely punished. However, Duke could face some stern punitive measures if Zion does admit to any of these allegations. Not to mention, Nike and Adidas could have to face the music, as well.
This is a developing story so stay tuned for updates as we will be sure to bring them to you.