Gorillaz Tease Mysterious ‘Song Machine’ Project: Watch
https://www.billboard.com/music/gorillazGorillaz appear to have another mystery project on the horizon. The animated band fronted by Blur's Damon Albarn and brought to life by animator Jamie Hewlett have posted a cryptic teaser for something called Gorillaz present Song Machine. So far the only glimpse of their latest creation is in a 20-second video featuring a funky, retro 70s keyboard soundtrack titled "Song Machine Theme Tune" that plays over an image of a synth piled high with instruments, a map of the universe, a melodica, various toys and an angry clown playing a horn.
The clip ends with the Song Machine title blasting into mid-screen, with the four animated members of the group just below. The YouTube page for the project says simply, "The Machine has been switched on." The project could be the follow-up to their 2018 album The Now Now, though a listing on Spotify refers to a "Season One" and tells fans to "follow for the next episode (snooze you lose)."
There's also a brief spoken word bit on Spotify, "Song Machine: Machine Bitez #1" that features what sounds like the members of the group chatting incoherently.
Watch the teasers below.