Antonio Brown Gives His Thoughts On CTE In Latest IG Post
Antonio Brown has been a fixture of the news cycle over the past few months although, in the last couple of weeks, he has turned a new leaf. Ever since his arrest in Miami, AB has been living his life drama-free and seems to be doing quite well. The NFL star is making strides to get his mental health right while also working on his burgeoning music career.
Due to his past behavior, some have theorized that AB has CTE which is an aggressive brain disease that is commonly found in football players. The disease can only be diagnosed once someone is deceased so it’s impossible to tell whether Brown really has it. AB has been quite firm on his stance that he doesn’t have the disease and in his most recent Instagram post, AB made sure let us know that in 2020, we’re blacklisting CTE.
It remains to be seen what will become of Brown’s football career, moving forward. The NFL has vowed to get him help although they have yet to make a judgment in the investigation against him. For now, the NFL is taking its time and are thinking of a proper punishment. Meanwhile, AB is improving himself to the shoe the league he’s serious about coming back.
Stay tuned for updates on Brown as we’ll be sure to bring them to you.