Alligator spotted walking through a North Carolina yard and into the woods [VIDEO]

Alligator spotted walking through North Carolina yard
This year, experts have warned about more alligators being on the loose. Already, there are an increase in reports of alligators showing up in residential areas. As the weather warms up, people are used to seeing more reptiles. Normally, snakes are the reptiles most commonly seen, aside from the more frequently seen lizards. In the South, alligators are more prominent. A community in North Carolina was rocked when a gator was walking through one person’s yard.
According to experts, alligators are not typically harmful animals. While they are highly dangerous, most gators tend to steer clear of humans. As a result, most humans are not in danger when they are in the presence of alligators. However, experts have warned for people to not get close to gators. The warning is that alligators will begin to view humans as a food source if they begin to get close to them. That said, if a person spots an alligator in their homeplace, they are to contact the proper authorities.
A community in Eastern North Carolina had a pretty shocking moment. What was supposed to be a normal evening ended up being full of action. Cars driving down the highway noticed something unusual in one person’s yard. Of all things, an alligator was walking through the yard. As a result, one person recorded the situation. However, they did not get close to the gator. Instead, they kept a distance while the gator crossed the yard and went into the woods.
Alligator spotted walking through North Carolina yard