‘The Oldest Trick In The Book’: Will RSVP’s Plan To Reunite The Jersey Shore Girls Work?
It’s true what they say: Desperate times call for desperate measures.
There doesn’t seem to be an end in sight to the Jersey Shore speechgate drama, so Mike “The Mediation” Sorrentino called in his RSVP reinforcements for one “last shot” at reconciliation between Angelina and the girls. Enter… the double booking.
“What did they expect us to do? The only option is to double book them,” Mike explained. “This is the oldest trick in the book.”
The plan? Enjoy a boys’ weekend for a couple of days at a nearly deserted Las Vegas resort (cue Jersey Shore: COVID Edition) and then invite Angelina and the girls for a good ol’-fashioned family vaca — unbeknownst to each other.

It wasn’t long before Mission: RSVP (and their crew of creepy dolls) hit a few snags — the first being an absent JWOWW thanks to complications from TMJ surgery. Deena, not about rolling solo with the boys (so she thinks), then secretly invited Lauren, who has her own gym-tan-laundry list of issues with the Staten Island newlywed.
“I hope it’s a nice vacation. I am just done talking about the wedding,” Deena said. “This mama needs no stress. If there is any drama, I’ll be walking myself out the door.” Foreshadowing much?
The second conundrum? The girls arrived two days early (cough, thanks Mike), which meant the entire fam is forced to keep Angelina’s impending arrival under wraps.
To make matters “extra delicate,” Deena and her big bag of beach towels had some exciting news to share: She’s pregnant (again)!

“A couple of months ago when we were talking about the Angelina stuff, I knew I was pregnant,” she confessed. “That’s one of the big reasons why I don’t want to sit down with her. I don’t want to stress myself out.”
First trimester, plus emotional meatball, equals bad news bears for the double booking. That’s when Vinny basically said what we’re all thinking: “We were worried about Deena getting emotional with Angelina, but now Angelina coming into contact with a pregnant Deena? We’re f*cked.”
But are they — or do they stand a chance of squashing speechgate once and for all? Sound off with your comments, then catch an all-new Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Thursday at 8/7c.