The Discovery Channel Playlist Episode 5: User Submissions
It’s been awhile since we last scoured Soundcloud and brought you an edition of The Discovery Channel playlist. Since last summer, actually. Since it’s inevitable everyone is at home working on their next musical masterpiece, or perhaps just beginning to dabble and experiment (because nothing else to do), we’ve decided it’s an opportune moment to bring the playlist back. For this particular edition, we really relied on YOU. We put out a call for submissions on both Instagram and Twitter, and we received a shit ton of submissions in our Soundcloud DMs, and the best ones we heard actually make up the bulk of this playlist.
For clarity purposes, I want to say: not every single song on the playlist below was submitted by a user — approximately 12 of the songs that make up the 19-song playlist were user-submitted, and the rest I found through Soundcloud listening sessions. If you submitted but didn’t make it this time, please keep your eyes peeled for when our DMs will be back open, as we plan to do that again very soon.
The artists below are true Soundcloud up and comers, with followers that are growing, or barely-there yet. They’ve impressed with a singular song, adapting sounds and trends to suit their design, or experimenting and exploring new pop/rap/trap/lowfi avenues all in a very DIY-Soundcloud fashion. We start with the melodic, airy, rap, with Yola Ktwo’s opening “Mhhm” really setting the stage for that. Things get progressively harder, and perhaps more angst-y, as the tracklist reaches closer to Slime Tokyo’s submitted record “No Show” before things take a turn for the relaxing again, with the closing out songs veering firmly into r’n’b territory (with varying degrees of experimentation).
If you are an upcoming artist, Soundcloud is also doing weekly Instagram Live sessions, AMAs and workshops to help artists continue to move their careers forward during this time. On top of that, Soundcloud has a complete guide for how to keep the music going during COVID-19, you can check out that resource here.
Check out the new playlist, and let us know who you are fucking with from the tracklist below. The @’s in bracket indicate the user’s Soundcloud handle, so you can check out and support their page. Let us know if you’d like more of this.
1. Yola Ktwo – “Mhhm” (@yolaktwo)
2. Rence – “Hate u btw” (@yourstrulyrence)
3. Swank x Landeezy – “Believe In” (@justswankbruh)
4. Lil West – “BLEACH” (@lilwestbb)
5. J Neat – “Bros” (@jneat)
6. Lantrobroy Rosa – “Poltergeist” (@user-640821032)
7. Zarin Michael – “CRY IN THE RAIN” (@zarinmicheal1)
8. Macca Wiles – “Slime” (@maccawiles)
9. Slime Tokyo – “No Show” feat. RLNGOONY (@slimetokyo)
10. Just John – “Recipe” (@justjohnforreal)
11. Relu$ – “Rasheed Wallace” (@relusmoneysign-965153403)
12. Jay Pareil – “Hop Slide” (@user-666005475-913505696)
13. MAXIMILLZ – “On Your Own” feat. MULLALLY & ROMELL (@sumthrowaways)
14. Sierra Sellers – “Grown” (@sierra_sellers)
15. audrie powell – “Your Girl” (@audrie-powell)
16. Liza – “Morning Glory” (@liza_waz)
17. Eli Sostre – “FISH” (@elisostre)
18. Deonte Jupiter – “Enough” (@deontejupiter)
19. Ills Aint – “If You Wanna Run, Just Fucking Run” (@user980774583)