Stephen A. Smith Laces Into Dak Prescott Over Recent Exploits
Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott were the subjects of some heavy criticism over the weekend as it was revealed that Dak Prescott hosted a party at his home that featured close to 30 people. The party was being held for one of Prescott’s good friends and according to reports, Elliott came to join in on the fun. The Dallas Cowboys teammates would otherwise fly under the radar for this type of thing but considering we are in the midst of a pandemic and are being told to maintain our distance from people, the two were rightfully chastised.
Today on First Take, Stephen A. Smith made sure to let his feelings be known regarding the actions of the two men. As he explains, even if the party only contained 10 people, it still would have been inappropriate considering what is going on right now. Smith also said that Prescott should be leading by example, especially since he is asking to be paid like the best player in football.
Smith’s take on this shouldn’t come as a surprise. He has been offering up PSAs on Twitter in regards to the Coronavirus and has even appeared in ads for ESPN, on the matter. Not to mention, Smith loves hating on all things Cowboys related so you can imagine he was doing the Birdman hand rub this morning, prior to the show.