Quavo’s Quarantine Has Been "Culture III" & "Call Of Duty"

Quavo’s Quarantine Has Been "Culture III" & "Call Of Duty"


There’s no other way around it — the coronavirus pandemic has sent the entire music industry into a state of uncertainty. Albums that would have likely arrived by now have been pushed indefinitely, with the inability to tour playing a major role in scheduling a proper release window. Sadly, the Migosupcoming album Culture III is but one of the many to suffer the COVID-related side-effects. Yet as Quavo reveals in a recent Billboard interview, the project has not been left entirely at a standstill. 

Quavo's Quarantine Has Been "Culture III" & "Call Of Duty"

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

As he tells it, the group has been vigilantly practicing their social distancing, but still linking up to put in work on their climactic Culture chapter. As he tells it, the only time he leaves the house is to hit the studio — though don’t expect to see the album until the quarantine dies down. “Of course, the business has slowed down because we perform in front of masses of people,” he reveals. “Dropping music and all that, it’s at a standstill right now with us because we need to go out there and touch the people to push our albums to make our music work.” 

Insofar as his downtime, Quavo confirms that he’s been allowing his inner gamer to rise up, dedicating “hours” to the noble cause of gitting gud at Call Of Duty. The strange thing is, it’s times like this when rappers are at their most relatable — perhaps one day you’ll end up on the receiving end of a tactical nuke, only to be shit-talked through the PS4 voice-comms by a triumphant and cocky “MAMA!” 
