NYC Nightclubs, Bars & Restaurants To Close In Response To Coronavirus
After announcing its plans to shutter all public schools, New York City will also be putting into place new measures that will restrict all restaurants to operate in a strictly takeout and delivery capacity while all bars that do not serve food must close down entirely.
New York City Mayor Bil de Blasio revealed that he will sign the executive order into effect on Monday for the temporary closings of nightclubs, movie theaters, and large venues. The order will go into effect on Tuesday, March 17 at 9 a.m.
“This is not a decision I make lightly. These places are part of the heart and soul of our city,” de Blasio said of the new decision. “They are part of what it means to be a New Yorker. But our city is facing an unprecedented threat, and we must respond with a wartime mentality,” the mayor said in a tweet late Sunday.
These new precautions are being taken to encourage social distancing among citizens as the measure becomes a critical one in slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus. Despite growing concern, social media has shown that many are failing to avoid unnecessary outings and large gatherings, putting themselves and others at risk.
“Our lives are all changing in ways that were unimaginable just a week ago,” says de Blasio. “We are taking a series of actions that we never would have taken otherwise in an effort to save the lives of loved ones and our neighbors. Now it is time to take yet another drastic step.”