Music Carolyn’s New ‘Choose Yourself’ EP

Music Carolyn’s New ‘Choose Yourself’ EP


Link to the album (downloadable/streaming no login required) with lyrics.

In a time in the world where we have all been more closed in than we are used to… having something to help take you away for a while has been almost invaluable. When it comes to escaping, nothing has been quite as powerful as getting into our spiritual spaces, binging Netflix or getting lost in a brand new album. We sat down with the Carolyn EP “Choose Yourself” and when it comes to escapism? It surely did not disappoint. Here was our takeaway…

R&B Music Review: Carolyn’s EP “Choose Yourself”

Carolyn really hit the ball out of the park with her EP “Choose Yourself.” With a by the beach vibe, Carolyn tapped into all our desires right now… that the world would return to normal and we could be anywhere that we wanted to be without the fear of worry. Laid back and filled with seaside ambiance, Carolyn really understood the assignment that a 2021 was giving to every artist in the world – help us feel like we are somewhere else.

With elements of smooth, easy vocals and a melody that takes your mind away from all of the struggles of the recent few years, Carolyn’s “Choose Yourself” is reminding us to take care of ourselves right now. That’s a real feat in this day and age. We have spent so much time worrying about how the world is, how the world will be and what’s next…

An escape is really all that we need right now other than the good news that everything is healthy, normal and safe again.

Concluding Thoughts

If you have not checked out Carolyn’s music… now is the perfect time. If you need to escape a little without ever leaving the house, this album really does that well. Check it out. You won’t regret it.