Kehlani Cites Coronavirus Pandemic For Album Delay
Looks like fans are just going to have to keep waiting on this new Kehlani to drop as the Bay Area singer took to social media on Sunday to reveal that the new coronavirus pandemic is holding up her completion of the project.
“To be transparent, I had a release date,” she begins in a post. “We’re unable to complete any of our plans or move forward with the album at the moment due to the pandemic. Not thinking about music at the moment, focused on how to just be a good citizen to society at this time.”
A number of artists have expressed the fact that they have been barred from recording at their usual studio sessions in response to new social distancing efforts across the United States to curb the growth of the novel virus.
The WHO officially declared the coronavirus outbreak t e a pandemic as global cases continue to rise across countries Currently, Italy and Spain are amount these nations that have enforced stricter quarantine policies t discourage large crowds and gatherings. In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo has opted to close down the nation’s largest public school system as cases continue to mount up. Just when this virus will taper enough to resume normal ways of life is not clear at this time.