Karl-Anthony Towns’ Mom Jacqueline Passes Away From COVID-19
Jacqueline Towns, the mother of Minnesota Timberwolves star Karl-Anthony Towns, passed away today after complications from the Coronavirus. A few weeks ago, Karl-Anthony took to his Instagram account where he told fans to stay and to stay home. During this address, he noted that both of his parents had gotten the Coronavirus and that his father had recovered. However, Towns had noted that his mom was being put into a coma as she was experiencing complications.
An update on Jacqueline’s condition was released last week, noting that she was still in the ICU, fighting for her life. Today, the Minnesota Timberwolves took to Twitter where they announced the unfortunate news about her passing.
Towns’ death is a sad reminder of how this virus is affecting people all across the country. Over 500,000 people in the United States have contracted COVID-19 and over 20,000 people have died. With these statistics in mind, it is important for everyone to stay home and continue to practice social distancing as it will help save lives.
In the meantime, our hearts go out to the Towns family and all of the other families who have been impacted by the pandemic. These are troubling times but if we work together, we can get through this.