Jim Jones Is Getting On Chrissy Lampkin’s Last Nerve In Quarantine
It looks like this self-quarantine thing is starting to take a toll on Jim Jones and Chrissy Lampkin. A clip of Chrissy going off on Jim after he insisted on smoking weed in the house due to the coronavirus has us thinking that these two need to keep their distance from each other for a minute. Self-isolating together has had many couples at their wits’ end with each other, and understandably so. Most folks in relationships don’t normally spend every waking minute with their significant other, but the coronavirus pandemic has couples stuck at home with each other at all hours of the day and night, and the constant close proximity has some, like Chrissy, getting a little frustrated.
Paras Griffin/Getty Images for BET
In the video in question, Jim uses the global pandemic as an excuse to light up indoors, much to Chrissy’s dismay. “What?” he says, presumably in response to her unimpressed expression. “It’s ‘corona’ man, you can’t be acting like that.”
“Jimmy, you know we stuck in this house together right now,” Chrissy reminds him. “Please don’t make it more difficult than it has to be. You came up here to f*ck with me on purpose. Why?” she asks. “I’m just saying, it’s ‘corona,'” he repeats. “We gotta change the smoke rooms in here.” However, Chrissy is not giving in, and instead tells him to leave the room. “I’m not in the mood. Please take that downstairs.” Jim repeats his point of argument that “it’s ‘corona,’ though, at which point Chrissy finally snaps. “Jimmy, it’s gonna get crazy in here if you don’t f*ckin’ stop.” Jim bursts out laughing and appears to take her orders, bolting out of the room before it’s gets, well, crazy in there. It’s probably a good idea to give her some space for now, as quarantine life can get tough. Hang in there, Jim and Chrissy.