Jillian Michaels "Regrets" That Lizzo Comments Were Interpreted As Jab At Singer
It’s apparent that “no comment” are two words that Jillian Michaels avoids when questioned about her controversial Lizzo remarks. While recently chatting with Buzzfeed, Lizzo and Ashley Graham were praised by the host for being body-acceptance champions. However, Jillian didn’t completely agree. While she didn’t reference Graham, she did speak on the “Truth Hurts” singer.
“Like, why aren’t we celebrating her music?” Jillian said. “‘Cause it isn’t gonna be awesome if she gets diabetes. I’m just being honest. Like, I love her music. Like, my kids loves her music, but there’s never a moment where I’m like, ‘And I’m so glad that she’s overweight!’ Like, why do I even care? Why is my job to care about her weight?”
She later doubled down on her comments and Lizzo answered her critics with an explicit response: “If my name is in your mouth, so is my p*ssy, b*tch. Enjoy the flavor.” Jillian is back, once again, clarifying her statements about the pop star. The fitness professional said that she doesn’t believe her show The Biggest Loser is a television series that can work in today’s society because we live in a politically correct culture that is “denying the reality of certain health ramifications.”
“There’s two different narratives. One narrative is love yourself, value yourself, and — by the way — only from this place can you be healthier, mentally, physically,” Jillian said. “Believe in your worth and believe in your ability, but where this comes into play, right, you’re weight, your size, whatever you want to call it, is your health, and denying that there are serious health ramifications when we are overweight is just not a lie I’m willing to tell.”
She was asked what she would say to Lizzo if she could speak to her now. “Well, first of all, she didn’t invite this at all and what I really regret is this argument became about a person and what happened was I was asked if I celebrate her being overweight and I should have said, ‘I don’t celebrate anyone being overweight,’ and I don’t know what would I say to her,” Jillian stated. “I’m a huge fan, which is exactly what I said in the interview… Unfortunately, a human being was attached to a case that I was making. I wish that I would have responded that I don’t celebrate anyone being overweight.”