How The Jersey Shore Cast Is Celebrating 100 Episodes Of Family Vacation
“Oh yeah,” there is nothing “awkward!” about this milestone: Jersey Shore: Family Vacation is about to commemorate 100 episodes. The “party’s here” in Seacucus?!
The series’ first installment debuted on April 5, 2018 — and over the course of 98 episodes and five seasons, viewers have watched all of the highs (like engagements, weddings and babies) and lows (divorce, heated disagreements and going to jail) that comes with being a part of a truly unique family. So which JSFV moments stand out as favorites for the beloved roomies?
“I feel like stuff with our kids,” Snooki states in the clip above, as she sits with fellow mamas JWOWW and Deena. Like flower girls Meilani and Giovanna at Mike and Lauren’s nuptials, as well as the “Meatball Boys” (Angelo and CJ) meeting the cast for the first time shortly after Mike returned home from prison.
How do Sitch, Vinny, Deena and Jenni answer? And who describes the Miami getaway as “the Avengers assembling”? Watch the clip above, and relive a scene from all 100 JSFV episodes (tonight’s special installment included) in the compilation below! Vinny, take it away and break down the locked door: