Frank Ocean Debuts "Dear April" & "Cayendo" Singles On Vinyl

Frank Ocean Debuts "Dear April" & "Cayendo" Singles On Vinyl


Frank Ocean previewed two new songs—”Cayendo” and “Dear April”—during his PrEP+ club night back in October, and now, those tracks have finally been released to the public. Shortly after Frank gave attendees of the surprise event in NYC a taste of his new music, he listed both songs for pre-order as 7″ vinyl singles, and it looks like, 6 months later, fans are finally receiving their much-awaited purchases. Each record features an acoustic version of the given track on the A-side, with the Sango and Justice remixes that were also teased at the PrEP+ party on the B-side. Leaks of the songs have already begun surfacing online, as fans eagerly recorded their spinning turntables to share the magic of Frank Ocean with the rest of us.

According to a Frank Ocean archive account on Twitter with the handle @blondedblog, each single comes with a digital download card, so there’s a chance the tunes will be more widely available for unofficial streaming. For now, however, the acoustic versions of “Cayendo” and “Dear April” along with their respective remixes can be found on Soundcloud. Check them out here, here, and here and keep your fingers crossed for “Cayendo” and “Dear April” to be released on streaming platforms soon.