Disney Heiress Abigail Disney On Kobe Bryant: "He Was A Rapist, Deal With It”
Abigail Disney, who’s the heiress to the Walt Disney company, is facing some serious backlash at the moment after she put her foot in the mouth speaking on Kobe Bryant’s death this week. On Wednesday, Abigail took to Twitter to call Kobe a “rapist,” and told everyone to “deal with it.”
“I haven’t said anything about Kobe so far because I felt some time needed to pass before weighing in. But yes, it’s time for the sledgehammer to come out. The man was a rapist. Deal with it.”
Since the tweet was sent, Abigail has been met with a ton of backlash and deservingly so. Many people were emotionally heated and clapped back with harsh words, while others seriously tried to get through to Abigail. You can see some of those tweets (below).
Abigail’s tweet comes just a day or so after Westworld actress Evan Rachel Wood said the same thing. She too called Kobe out and wrote, “what has happened is tragic. I am heartbroken for Kobe’s family. He was a sports hero. He was also a rapist. And all of these truths can exist simultaneously.” She too has been met with backlash, but it’s not even worth our time.