Azriel Clary Will Seek Counseling To Heal R. Kelly Relationship Trauma: Report
The saga surrounding R. Kelly and his ongoing sex abuse scandal(s) has been snowballing into what’s sure to go down as the biggest fall from grace in music history. While things may be getting worse for the Chocolate Factory singer on the legal side, it appears the complete opposite is happening to his former ride-or-die girlfriend,
Azriel Clary, after reports say she’ll now be seeking counseling to rid herself of the emotional turmoil of being one of R. Kelly’s play-wives for years.
According to TMZ, who’ve also released a new video angle of the now-infamous fight between Azriel and his other girlfriend Joycelyn Savage (seen above), Clary believes she was “brainwashed, manipulated and mistreated” during her time living under R. Kelly’s roof, which falls in line perfectly with many of the other accounts from women who claimed to have been abused mentally and sexually by Kellz in the scathing Surviving R. Kelly documentary that aired on Lifetime in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Back by her family’s support, Azriel will rely on help from qualified counselors and therapists in order to truly move on from the situation, but she’s also expressed interest in cooperating with authorities to put R. Kelly away once and for all. Whatever she decides to do, we just hope this all ends with everyone involved getting the help they need.