Allen Stone Brings His Wedding Vow Struggle to Life in ‘Consider Me’ Exclusive
The singer teamed up with WeddingWire to incorporate fans’ personal love stories in the video too.
When you find the right person, loving is easy. But as Allen Stone knows firsthand, putting that love into words isn't quite as simple.
Even as a songwriter, Stone struggled to find the perfect way to express his love for his now wife, Tara Lawson, in his wedding vows. With the help of his dad and several cups of coffee the night before he got married, Stone figured out exactly what to say, and those vows are part of his soulful love song "Consider Me."
Stone ironically faced a similar challenge upon putting together the song's video. But in reflecting on how the song came together, Stone realized the video should involve marriage, and also include his fans. So the singer teamed up with wedding planning site WeddingWire to find couples with heartwarming love stories to incorporate in the "Consider Me" vid, out today (Feb. 10).
"I remember staying up all night on the eve of my wedding with my dad, pining over the vows," Stone says in a statement. "After I put [my] vows together, I recited them to my wife a top a puddle of my own tears. It was perfect, I nailed it — thanks, Pops. It was such a wonderful memory and moment for me, I figured getting some help from my fans and highlighting the commitments they made to each other would be a wonderful way to make a music video."
The clip starts out with a couple who delay their wedding because they're stuck on their vows, then as Stone begins to sing, they each reminisce on the special moments in their relationship — inspired by real-life stories submitted by fans. Stone picked his favorites to be featured in those flashbacks, from jumping in a pool fully clothed together to supporting each other through the loss of a loved one. Just as Stone experienced, the pair figure out exactly what to say, and happily head to the altar as the singer finishes the song.
Just in time for Valentine's Day, get in the loving mood with Allen Stone's "Consider Me" video below.