Gabrielle Union Rethinks 50/50 Arrangement With Dwyane Wade After Therapy 

Gabrielle Union Rethinks 50/50 Arrangement With Dwyane Wade After Therapy 


Gabrielle Union has changed her mind about the 50/50 deal she has with her husband Dwyane Wade.

Previously, Union was adamant about splitting everything down the middle with Wade, as she laid it out on the Black Millionaires podcast in 2023.

“In this household, we split everything fifty-fifty,” Union explained, noting that she still battles a “scarcity mindset” from her days as an up and coming actress.

“I struggle with that, still,” she admitted. “I think I just have more responsibilities for my money.” 

Following a breakthrough in therapy, Union is shifting her position on the 50/50 arrangement. She revealed on the Balanced Black Girl podcast that her ideology was a “trauma response,” rooted in fear, not equality.  

“I famously said, ‘50/50 or bust,’” Union said. “And I meant that financially, spiritually, and emotionally. There’s just a lot of days that I have 10 percent and I need him to be 90 percent. There are days that I don’t have s### and I need him to be 100 percent.”  

 “50/50 is, ‘I’m not going to be vulnerable enough to trust you with 100 percent of anything.’ Not my heart, not my cash,” she continued.

Union shared how she felt anxiety when Wade asked her to take over their mortgage payments. She was physically shaking and wept purfuesly

“I thought I was about to die,”  she recalled. “And he was like, ‘You insisted on that.’ He’s like, ‘I thought it made you feel better.’ I’m like, ‘It did, and right now I want to take it back.”

After maneuvering through those tense moments, their bond is even stronger.

“Because he knows it’s not about whether he can afford it,” Union stated. “It’s being vulnerable enough, to be open enough to know that I’m okay. I’m okay as his wife. He’s okay as my husband. I’m okay in this family.”