Graceful and Effortlessly Talented Kelyes Releases Her New Single Entitled, ‘Not Around’

Graceful and Effortlessly Talented Kelyes Releases Her New Single Entitled, ‘Not Around’


Kelsey Delemar, a beautiful musician who also goes by her stage name ‘Kelyes,’ has released one of her most soulful and graceful tracks called ‘Not Around.’ The track incorporates soft electro-strings and smooth tones of velvety textures. When listening to ‘Not Around,’ fans will step into what will be Kelyes’ soon to be released debut EP, called Kelyes & the Wave.

‘Not Around’ has the ability to take listeners on a new and magical musical journey filled with nostalgic and innocent memories. The track was Kelyes way to release her inner feelings and express her thoughts in the most beautiful and transporting way. The experimental sounds have allowed her to uncover a new artistic element that has always been embedded in her musical consciousness. Her sound is fluid like water and when she vocalizes, it’s as natural as a fish in water giving listeners a chance to escape reality and feel completely weightless. Check it out below!