Meek Mill’s REFORM Alliance Shares Prison COVID-19 Prevention Plan
Meek Mill‘s making strides with REFORM Alliance, an effort co-founded by himself, Jay-Z, Robert Kraft, and Michael Rubin. In the wake of Coronavirus, REFORM has shared plans in hopes to help out the U.S. governors to prevent the spread inside of prison. The S.A.F.E.R Plan is a policy recommendation, especially for those in at-risk communities, that they’ve presented asking for governors to suspend technical violation, probation visits, fines, and fees for the time being, especially since those locked up are far more susceptible to being exposed to COVID-19.
Opposing the idea of incarceration, they’re hoping the governors will find substitutes for incarceration while also releasing the elderly and vulnerable individuals to home confinement. They also want the governors to make sure there’s extra precaution for the staff at the prison while providing free medical treatment and tests.
“As our country takes measures to protect against coronavirus, we can’t afford to forget about the millions of people under the control of our criminal justice system,” REFORM Alliance’s chief advocacy officer Jessica Jackson told Complex. “People in prisons, jails, or under community supervision are more at risk of contracting and spreading the virus, given their age, underlying health conditions, and close contact to each other. Protecting these individuals from coronavirus is not just a moral obligation, but necessary to preserve the health and safety of our communities.”
In addition, they’ve launched a petition which you can check out right here.