Eminem Acknowledges Rampant "Marshall Law" Rumor
Eminem fans are gluttonous in the best of times, and though he recently dropped off a full-length album mere months ago with Music To Be Murdered By, the desire for a followup is already gaining momentum. Yesterday, wishful thinking hit critical mass as a full-blown album rumor sparked off under his very nose. Thanks to an inadvertent typo by one Senator Marco Rubio, who aimed to address concerns that states would begin implementing “martial law,” many followers quickly turned his gaffe into a trending topic.
Before long, Eminem’s loyal followers were logging on to see “Marshall Law” sitting comfortably among the trends. Given that name-related puns have been atop the fan-generated album title list for years, many came to the premature conclusion that Em was doubling down with another new album in 2020, determined to make it the most prolific year of his career. Alas, Em himself has officially come forward to douse the flames of hype, taking to Twitter to drive the final nail in the coffin.
“Sorry guys,” he begins, responding to Rubio’s inciting tweet. “Marshall Law: not a thing.” It was certainly fun when it lasted, and raised an interesting question in the process – did Rubio have Eminem on his subconscious when he fired off that initial tweet? Come to think of it, how many Republicans would dare come out and declare themselves to be Eminem fans?