Joe Budden Shares His Funny "Toxic Ex" Meme Inspired By Coronavirus
We recognize that the coronavirus is serious, but in order to maintain a certain level of sanity, people are having fun making memes about the virus. Over the last few months, Future has been the star of the “Toxic Ex-Boyfriend” memes that went viral. They became popular around the holiday season as a way for people to poke fun at those pesky exes who use the cheerful time of the year as a way to weasel back into their former lover’s lives. Now, it’s the coronavirus that has people checking in, and Joe Budden has cast himself as the new star of the funny “Toxic Ex” meme.
Budden shared a photo of himself in his pool while checking his phone. In the caption he wrote, “Just checking to make sure you good, it’s getting crazy out there… the NBA suspended all its games, the same way i should have when i was with you.. be safe, i love you.” His followers got a kick out of the caption, and model “SuperStar6ix” laughed and called it “super toxic.”
He replied, “@superstar6ix ORRRRR accountable ??.” She hit him back with, “@joebudden this is literally emotionally provoking bait ? pretty much toxic ?.” Check out Joe Budden as the new coronavirus “Toxic Ex-Boyfriend” below. Apparently a few people have stolen the caption and actually texted it to their exes.