50 Cent Doubts Rick James’ Rape Accuser
50 Cent isn’t buying the recent allegations against the late Rick James accusing him of raping a 15-year-old girl.
Robert Mora/Getty Images
The For Life actor and Power exec. hit his favorite social media platform where he partly-joked and fully doubted the woman who is suing the late musician’s estate for $50M. “oh fuck this i’m done with all this shit,” he wrote on Instagram. “Nah i don’t want to hear shit, these bitches be crazy.”
This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise for anyone, really. In recent times particularly, following the passing of Kobe Bryant, Fif’s vocalized his skepticism surrounding Black male entertainers being sued over allegations of sexual assault. Fif’s position on the recent slew of sexual assault allegations has made him wary, even calling Harvey Weinstein’s settlement agreement with one of his victims as a “big money grab.”
According to Pitchfork, a woman in New York filed a suit against James for allegedly raping her in 1979 when she was 15-years-old. Due to the Child Victim’s Act in New York City, there’s an extension on the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse victims. The woman alleges that James was brought to a youth detention facility where she was living but the second they were introduced, he made her feel uncomfortable.
“I did not know who Rick James was and shrugged and said I don’t know him,” she wrote in the court documents. “Almost immediately, Rick James was very suggestive and inappropriate towards me. He made me feel very uncomfortable.”
She said she wasn’t excited about his visit as other women were and went to her room to read.
“As I was laying on my belly on my bed,” she writes, “Rick James came into my bedroom and swiftly laid on top of me. He grabbed my hair and pushed my head into the pillow. I tried to fight him off, but he told me, ‘Shut up and quit moving or I’ll cut you.’ He violently ripped off my underwear and proceeded to violent rape me and ejaculate inside of me.”
The woman said that after the alleged assault, she threatened that if she told anyone, he would “know where to find” her. She’s currently suing his estate for $50M for damages including “physical, psychological, and emotional injury.”
James already has prior convictions related to sexual assault. In 1993, he was convicted of assaulting two women, once from an incident in 1991, and another in 1992 while he was out on bail. Prosecutors said James and his girlfriend imprisoned and tortured a 24-year-old girl over the course of three days where he and his girlfriend tied the girl to a chair, forcing her to perform sex acts and burning her with a crack pipe while on a coke bender. James was later arrested in 1992 after assaulting a woman in his hotel room. James was later sentenced to over two years in prison for the assaults.
Rick James was also under investigation in 2002 over an alleged sexual assault against a woman that took place in his home.