Yes, She’s Back: This Beloved Jersey Shore Roomie Finally Returned
The party is literally here. Like, with balloons and streamers and everything.
We didn’t know if tonight’s joyous Jersey Shore: Family Vacation reunion would ever happen, but here we are — and we’re just so happy. More than a year after announcing her departure from the show, Snooki is back, b*tches! Seems the original meatball wasn’t about to miss Mike’s five-year soberversary, even though JWOWW had her doubts.
“This is a super long shot, but I’m gonna call Nicole and invite her to the soberversary parade — even though I know she most likely won’t come,” said Jenni, as she was rallying the troops for Mike’s surprise drive-by celebration.
A refresher: During the aftermath of the reception speech we’ll never forget, a sullen Snooki essentially gave her Shore resignation: “I’m quitting. I think this is it. This is not fun.”
But could it be that her feelings have changed now that the fam is finally in a better place? Either way, the stylish mawma of three decked out her minivan in honor of Mike’s big day.
Cut to Snooki behind the wheel, wearing a zebra-print coat. And while Vinny questioned the arrival of “a petting zoo,” everyone else screamed and dropped jaws. Mike announced, “The party is f*cking here.”
JWOWW embraced her bestie in a hug and said, “I’m literally hysterically crying because I did not think this moment would happen ever.” (Same, Jenni. Same.) Honestly, everyone was crying. Except for Angelina, who merely deadpan-declared, “I’m dead.”
So do you think Snooki will stick around? Comment with your thoughts, then tune in next Jerzday Thursday at 8/7c!