Wu-Tang Affiliated Rapper Christ Bearer Weds Years After Cutting Off Manhood
It’s been quite some time since the hip hop world has heard from Christ Bearer, but it’s nice to see that he’s in good spirits. The Northstar rapper was once signed to Wu-Tang Records and hadn’t had any big-time, publicized scandals, but in 2014, Christ Bearer, real name Andre Johnson, made headlines for a shocking reason. News surfaced that Johnson cut off his own penis before leaping off of a balcony.
Johnson would later sit down with VladTV the following year to discuss the event, refusing to call the incident a suicide attempt. “I was just high, was high as a kite,” he said. “I hang out with rock stars so I was high off PCP, that was my main drug of choice… PCP and meth and molly and alcohol and no sleep. That was the main thing: no sleep.”
Now, Johnson is celebrating marital bliss as a newlywed with his beautiful wife Cheryl. The longtime friends dated for six months before exchanging vows in a small, private ceremony. For those of you wondering about his…nether regions…doctors were able to reattach his penis and according to TMZ, it’s fully functioning. Check out Johnson’s 2015 interview with VladTV explaining the “incident” below.