Will Floribama Shore’s Feuding Roomies Take Snooki And JWOWW’s Advice?
Snooki and JWOWW know a thing about a family vacation — and the two used their expertise on the matter to give some shore-related advice to MTV Floribama Shore‘s Gus and Jeremiah. But will Jerigus, who had bad blood this past season, actually heed the ladies’ advice?
During Part 2 of the Floribama reunion — hosted by the Jersey Shore besties — Gus was asked if he could go on future trips with Jeremiah and the rest of his roomies. His quick reply: “If [Jeremiah] wants his ass beat again, sure.”
“Do you realize this puts all your roommates in this negative hole?” Nicole asked.
Jenni chimed in that this reminded her of when the two ladies would fight with Sammi back in the day, across multiple seasons.
“There’s gotta be a better way,” Jenni explained. “It’s so toxic, and we’ve been there. It’s so unfair to the other people that are willing to go on vacations with you. If you guys want to continue to have Floribama Shore and have those great memories, learn to just put that sh*t to the side.”
Gus responded with, “You’re right,” while Jeremiah didn’t utter a single word.

“And Jeremiah, instead of being so stone cold, would you be willing to have that conversation? Not for yourself, not for Gus, but for your roommates?” Jenni asked.
“I think I would be,” he softly answered.
Nicole encouraged the men to “move on” and have a “freaking good time” on the next adventure. Can they have another hot tub cease-fire? Or will the ill will and bickering continue? Give your predictions, stay with MTV News for Floribama updates, and don’t miss Nicole and Jenni on the premiere of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation next Thursday at 8/7c.