Wendy Williams Checks Ray J: "You’re The Type Of Man That Will Never Be Faithful"
Infidelity is a touchy subject for Wendy Williams. The talk show host recently went through a bit of a scandal that led up to her divorce that allegedly involved her ex-husband, Kevin Hunter, having a child with another woman. So, it was unsurprising when Wendy decided to give Ray a polite piece of her mind when they were chatting with each other on a video call. The pair discussed Ray J and his wife Princess Love coming together for The Conversation, a reality experiment where they hashed out their marriage woes face-to-face sans a mediator or therapist.

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“We did The Conversation on the Zeus network because we already are on TV and we felt like us being our own therapists could work,” Ray said. “We tried it. We just gave it a shot since we already on blast and everybody creating their own stories about what they see. Just tried to give it a shot. Did it help?” Wendy interjected and said “no” to which Ray J agreed.
Wendy Williams added that it didn’t help because it just showed that Princess Love “is a good mom” who has “tried to be there” for Ray. “She’s put up with more than she needs to, and it shows that you’re the type of man who will never be faithful.” Ray replied, “When you’re working hard, sometimes you go through the ups and downs.” And while there have been accusations of infidelity, the reality television star insisted that he “never had a problem with that.” Watch the clip below.