Tony Terry “Born Ta Luv Ya”
The incomparable soul music sensation Tony Terry recently released his newest single, “Born Ta Luv Ya.” This romantic ballad will melt your heart with its cleverly written lyrics and smooth musical backdrop. Terry is an accomplished R&B singer with a mass following — both online and offline. He is known for belting out romantic songs that touch your heart and make you — and your significant other feel good. I love the flow of this jam — and know that this song will become an anthem in the global R&B community.
With lyrics paying homage and respect to significant others, “Born Ta Luv Ya” encompasses the power of natural, organic love between partners. From spending time with each other to romantic escapades, Tony Terry has created a beautiful song that will impact generations to come. With its smooth, steady beat and interflow of lyrics and sound, this jam showcases the signature sound of Tony T. He has a magnificent voice exemplified by an equally as impressive stage presence. When it comes to this song, they simply do not make R&B jams like this anymore!
“Born Ta Luv Ya” captures the allure and essence of R&B’s yesteryear. When things made sense and music united one and all from every walk of life and economic, socio background. Tony T has created an old-school masterpiece here with a contemporary, vibrant sound that will continue to attract and engage newer audiences. Check out his latest love song by clicking on the link above and get ready to dazzle your ears and soul!
“Born Ta Luv Ya” (Lyric Video) https://youtu.be/AXNrJTxz2Sk