Texas Man Sent To Jail After Licking Grocery Store Ice Cream
A Texas man by the name of D’Adrien Anderson is going to jail for posting a video of himself licking a carton of ice cream in Wal-Mart and putting it back on the shelf. Anderson was supposedly influenced by a 17-year-old girl who committed the same revolting act in a video that went viral in July 2019. The young woman who was later identified by authorities inspired a string of social media videos of people contaminating grocery store products and putting them back on the shelves. While the trend has officially come to an end, it has led to multiple arrests across the country including Anderson’s who be serving time in the clink for his attempt at social media fame.
Jamie Squire/Getty Images
In Aug. 2019, the 24-year-old posted a video of himself licking a carton of Blue Bell creamery ice cream and putting back on the shelf of Wal-Mart’s refrigerated aisle. In court, Anderson revealed that he paid for the ice cream that he licked in the video and even provided a receipt for the container as concrete evidence.
Unfortunately for him, he was still arrested and charged with criminal mischief due to Wal-Mart having to dispose of all the Blue Bell ice cream in their refrigeration system. According to NBC’s WHTR, Anderson was sentenced to 30 days in jail with an additional 180 days probation over the next two years. D’Adrien Anderson is also obligated to finish a total of 100 hours of community service. Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office court documents state that Anderson is required to pay a fine of $1000 and compensation in the amount of $1,565 to Blue Bell Creameries.
Check out the video of the class A misdemeanor charge that led to Anderson’s jail sentence in the video provided below.