Teenager Shot & Killed During Adidas Yeezy Meetup Sale
Meetups to buy and sell shoes are common in the sneaker world although unfortunately, there are some people out there who seek to do harm in these instances. A prime example of this was demonstrated last week when an 18-year-old woman by the name of Andrea Camps Lacayo was shot and killed during a sneaker deal.
Lacayo was selling three pairs of Adidas Yeezys alongside her boyfriend, Sergio Berben. The two men buying the shoes were Adrian Cosby and George Walton, who have already admitted to the murder. According to reports, Cosby asked to try the shoes on. That’s when Walton approached from the back and shot Lacayo and Berben who were still in the car.
Joshua Lott/Getty Images
Berben had a bullet graze his arm while Lacayo received a fatal wound to the torso. As a result of their crimes, Cosby and Walton are currently in jail and face charges of second-degree murder, attempted murder, and attempted armed robbery.
This story is incredibly sad and our hearts go out to all of the families affected by this senseless act. The sneaker community has always been there for each other over the years and it’s heartbreaking to see two individuals take advantage of such innocent people.