Waka Flocka Shares First Thing He’d Do As President Waka Flocka Shares First Thing He’d Do As President It may be too late for Waka Flocka to throw his name in the hat for the 2020 election but he ... STREET TALKIN / May 7, 2020 50 50
Tammy Rivera Wants Threesome But Waka Flocka Said No: "It’s So Selfish!" Tammy Rivera Wants Threesome But Waka Flocka Said No: "It’s So Selfish!" Some would be excited if their girlfriend or wife suggested that they spicy things up in the bedroom with a third person. ... STREET TALKIN / April 22, 2020 67 67
Waka Flocka Believes School Shooters Deserve "Death Penalty No Exception" Waka Flocka Believes School Shooters Deserve "Death Penalty No Exception" Capital punishment is a topic that one typically doesn’t talk about around the dinner table, but social media is ripe ... STREET TALKIN / April 15, 2020 71 71
Waka Flocka Still Doesn’t Like Prenups, Says Love Isn’t About Money Waka Flocka Still Doesn’t Like Prenups, Says Love Isn’t About Money It looks as if Waka Flocka hasn’t changed his opinion on prenuptial agreements. In April 2019, Waka Flocka and his ... STREET TALKIN / March 19, 2020 64 64
Waka Flocka Admits To Sometimes Feeling Like He Hates His Wife Waka Flocka Admits To Sometimes Feeling Like He Hates His Wife Married folks will let you know that wedded bliss is hard work. People often get infatuated with weddings and honeymoon ... STREET TALKIN / March 14, 2020 62 62