T.I. Decodes Hilarious Acronym About Atlanta Re-Opening
Governor Brian Kemp made the very controversial decision to re-open non-essential businesses, like gyms, barbershops, and bowling alleys, at the end of this week in the state of Georgia. Although we all would like to get out of the house, it’s pretty clear to the majority of us that it’s far too early to be doing something that could affect our health so dramatically. Still, Kemp appears poised to move forward. That doesn’t mean that anybody will actually be going to said non-essential businesses though.
Joining Cardi B after the rapper criticized Governor Kemp’s decision to re-open businesses in Georgia, the King of the South T.I. has officially chimed in with an acronym for us all to decode.
“Dear Georgia, IDGAFWKSYBSYBAITMFH,” wrote the Atlanta legend on Instagram.
In case you weren’t quite getting that, let me decode it all for you. Tip is likely saying the following: “I don’t give a fuck what Kemp says, y’all better stay y’all bitch asses in the mother-fucking house.”
He followed up that message with one that concerns solely Atlanta.
“Atlanta: YKWTFGO,” he added.
Translation: “Atlanta, you know what the fuck goin’ on.”
This is definitely a cheekier way of criticizing the way that Governor Kemp has gone about re-opening non-essential businesses during the coronavirus outbreak. While he will surely please Donald Trump in doing so, the general public ain’t all too impressed.
Stay home, everyone!