Steph Curry Has Been Assigned To The G-League

Steph Curry Has Been Assigned To The G-League


Many of you reading this probably saw the headline and wondered what kind of clickbait was about to be bestowed upon you. Here is the thing, everything about the headline is factually correct. So please be kind in the comments section. With that being said, let’s get into it, shall we?

If you’ve been paying attention to the NBA this season, you know that the Golden State Warriors have been terrible, most notably because they’ve been missing key players like Steph Curry and Klay Thompson. Curry has been out with a broken hand and is expected to return to the lineup very soon. In preparation for this, Curry has been sent down to the Santa Cruz Warriors of the G-League, according to reporter Logan Murdock.

Before you get all bent out of shape, this kind of assignment is actually standard procedure. When a player is about to come back from an injury, they are sent to the G-League affiliate to get some high-level reps in before coming right back to the NBA. It’s safe to assume that Curry won’t play a single game with the Santa Cruz Warriors.

While it may just be a formality, there is no denying just how funny it is to see Curry on a G-League team.