‘She Was Playing the Victim’: Did Angelina Lie About Leaking The Jersey Shore Wedding Speech?
On the eve of the Jersey Shore fam’s El Paso vacation (because tacos, man!), “some informations” about the speech (yes, that speech) threatened to ruin the trip’s good vibes. [insert dramatic sound effects here]
Here’s how the Family Vacation drama began: Angelina updated the girls on the demise of her marriage and her rendezvous in Mexico with Luis (complete with bondage and bedazzled butt plug). She noted that “the filing has happened” and asked everyone to “cut ties” with Chris.

“He’s literally going around and talking sh*t about me to everyone. I don’t know what is gonna come out of Chris’ mouth, so I pray the roommates are gonna have my back,” she said.
To further fuel the drama, Angelina’s past came back to haunt her when Old Bridge hit up Mike, saying “he’s had an affair with Angelina for about two years.” [21:20] Then Chris called Mike (who recorded the convo like any proper Investigator would), relaying that Angelina was the one who originally leaked the wedding speech to the press. A “shooketh” Situation immediately turned around and texted the squad.
“Now we have found out that that whole time when she was playing the victim and saying, ‘You destroyed my wedding,’ well, no, no, no… no one destroyed your wedding. You actually destroyed your own wedding. She wasn’t being truthful the whole time,” he said.
Needless to say, Deena, Jenni and Nicole were livid. After all, Angelina swore “on her cats and dog and everything in between” that she wasn’t responsible for the leak.
Cue Jenni: “That whole year took ten years off my life. If she could have just been honest… we could have moved on. Just be truthful. She’ll never admit it, though.”

And Deena: “At this point, I just wish she would admit that she sold the speech. It would be nice to get the truth. But do I think she’s gonna tell us the truth? No.”
Meanwhile, Angelina got a nose job and learned she might have high blood pressure (hmm, wonder why?).

“Chris is literally trying to sabotage me. The roommates are believing everything Chris says. Why would you f*cking people believe my husband over me? He’s trying to f*cking ruin my whole life. And you know what? Shame on Mike. You got involved with my f*cking business, and now sh*t hit the fan. It’s just very hurtful.”
The tea has been spilled. The dirty laundry has aired. Who’s side are you on — Angelina’s or the rest of the fam’s? Did Ang lie about leaking the wedding speech? Tell us your thoughts, then watch it all go down next Thursday at 8/7c.