RZA Surprises Staten Island Elementary School Students With iPads
RZA surprised students at PS 78, Stapleton with 30 new iPads on Thursday after their teacher, Jo-Ann Accardi, tweeted at the Wu-Tang rapper asking for help.
Jason Kempin / Getty Images
“I’m here today because one of your teachers sent me a tweet on my Twitter and she said that there wasn’t enough iPads, just enough to go around,” RZA told the students, according to SI Live. “I reached out to my Wu-Tang brothers and Apple, and we have some iPads here going to the school and going to your classes so you guys have a better chance for a proper education.”
RZA answered questions from the students and explained the importance of education.
He added on Instagram with a post of the students captioned, “I would like to thank the #Children’s Literary Society #CLS and P.S. 78 for instilling positivity into the youth.”
Principal Jodi Contento thanked RZA for his charitable act: “I really want to emphasize that any time somebody who has roots in the community comes back to share their successes, that’s the most priceless thing we could have for our school,” Contento said. “It’s all about bringing in the positive role models. We know how much is out there that is not always positive for us to see. Having those positive models and success stories are tremendous.”