Rex Ryan Viciously Roasts Amari Cooper, Calls Him A "Turd"

Rex Ryan Viciously Roasts Amari Cooper, Calls Him A "Turd"


Rex Ryan has been known for being a bit of a hot take artist ever since his foray into sports analysis. The former head coach was always an outspoken man back in his heyday and that still continues, even in 2020. ESPN’s Get Up! is where he spends most of his time and on Friday morning, he came through with some slander for Dallas Cowboys wide receiver, Amari Cooper.

Cooper recently signed a massive deal with the Cowboys worth $100 million over five seasons. Ryan trashed the deal saying the money they gave Cooper should be given to quarterback Dak Prescott. Ryan also went on to say that Cooper has been known to disappear and that he doesn’t love football. He even went as so far as to hit with a personal insult, calling him a “turd.”

“To me, this is the biggest disappearing act in the National Football League,” Ryan said. “He doesn’t show up on the road … when he’s against the top corners, that guy disappears…I wouldn’t have paid that turd.”

It’s hard to say why Ryant felt the need to go so hard on Cooper although it’s clear there is some kind of tension there. Cooper has been seen by many as a great teammate who you can rely on to make big plays. If you’re a Cowboys fan, this rant certainly came out of left field.