R. Kelly’s GF Joycelyn Savage Reportedly Met Her Family At Courthouse: Report
The two people who’ve stuck by R. Kelly in the midst of his legal issues in the past year have been his two girlfriends, Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage. As the two who’ve vehemently denied that he’s this “monster,” they appear to be breaking away from him and the team that has protected him in the past.

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As Azriel Clary revealed that she’s moved out of Chicago and back home with her parents, it appears as though Joycelyn Savage has followed suit. According to TMZ, Savage met with her parents at a courthouse on Thursday. This is huge considering that she hasn’t seen them in the three years that she’s lived with R. Kelly, despite her parents’ attempts to making a connection with her.
Gerald Griggs, the lawyer for her parents, revealed that her parents secretly made their way into a holding area in Chicago’s courthouse following her hearing for the assault against Azriel Clary. The meeting was set up by law enforcement with Griggs revealing that Joycelyn spoke to her parents for a half-hour.
Contact information was left with Joycelyn in order to contact her parents. Savage is reportedly going to be in contact with her parents more frequently, Griggs said. This could be a sure sign that she’ll return home soon and it seems like her parents are banking on it as well.