"Play At Home" Initiative Announces Free PS4 Games
Video games have become one of the preferred means of passing time during the perpetual quarantine, though the hefty price tags that come associated with new games don’t exactly go hand-in-hand with a struggling economy. As such, many gamers have looked to completing their backlogs, perhaps wrangling that elusive trophy or achievement preventing them from full glory. Sadly, replaying that what’s already owned can only go so far, and Sony has officially taken measures to combat stagnation with the “Play At Home” initiative.
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As explained in an official PlayStation blog post, “Play At Home has two components: first, providing free games to help keep the PlayStation community entertained at home; and finally, establishing a fund to help smaller independent game studios who may be experiencing financial difficulties continue building great experiences for all gamers.”
Starting on April 15 at 8 pm PDT until May 5th, PlayStation users will be able to digitally download both Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey, two games that are widely considered essentials within the community. In addition to providing users with the option to download two classics for free, Sony has also confirmed that they will be designated ten million dollars to assist their independent development partners.
Should this be an ongoing initiative, look for a new batch of games to kick off the start of next month — in addition to those provided on PlayStation Plus (on which Uncharted 4 is currently available for download), gamers can expect to have their hands full for the foreseeable future. Have you played any of the Uncharted games or Journey yet?