Megachurch Pastor Arrested For Hosting Illegal Church Service
Social distancing and handwashing have been among the recommendations health officials have issued to prevent the spread of coronavirus but apparently, some are simply choosing their faith in God above all. According to TMZ, the pastor of a Megachurch in Tampa, FL has been arrested after hosting an illegal Sunday Service and violating requests for social distancing.
A warrant was issued for Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne’s arrest. Hosting a service this past weekend with a large crowd at River Church, Hillsborough County Sherriff’s Department caught wind that he announced he would remain open despite the possibility of community transmission of coronavirus. “The only time the church will close is when the Rapture is taking place,” he announced during his sermon. The county already banned gatherings of more than 10 people with their “safer-at-home” order. On top of that, they ordered people to keep a six-feet distance from each other which Howard-Browne clearly didn’t abide by.
Police arrested Pastor Howard-Browne earlier today on charges of unlawful assembly and for violating health and safety rules.
Over the weekend, it was announced that the United States has the highest amount of cases of Coronavirus in the world. Dr. Anthony Fauci estimated that there will be millions of cases in America with the death toll reaching anywhere between 100,000 to 200,000. We’ll keep you posted on more updates surrounding Coronavirus.