Louisiana Principal Requires Prom Dress Photos For Approval
A high school principal by the name of Dr. Kim Pendleton is making national news headlines after she announced that she will require students to send her photos of their prom dresses for the school’s approval. The head administrator at Southwood High School in Shreveport, Louisiana released a school-wide text message stating that she would require the photos of the formal garments if students wanted to attend their prom in April. Bethany Clarke/Getty Images
The text message provided thorough details and guidelines for female prom attendees’ dress code but failed to mention any rules pertaining to the male students’ formal attire. Dr. Pendleton’s message states:
“As you begin shopping for your attire, please make sure you do not purchase any clothes that are sheer or revealing in any manner. Also, make sure we do not see excess cleavage or skin. Prior to purchasing an outfit, I will need you to send me a picture of you in the outfit with your name and grade. Once I approve the outfit, you may purchase it. The approved outfit is the only one you will be allowed to wear to prom.”
When parents of the students got wind of Dr. Pendleton’s prom dress requirements, the message instantaneously found its way to the local Louisana media. The text message has been described as invasive and an impediment to the student’s creative expression. NBC News’ KTAL received a statement from Caddo Parish Public School district after they began to receive backlash from Dr. Pendleton’s prom dress code requirements saying:
“In April, Southwood will host their annual prom and school administration has taken a proactive approach of asking parents for photos ahead of their upcoming event. It is a school-level decision for all formal dress to be approved prior to the event.”
From the looks of things, Southwood High School’s prom dress photo requirement will be upheld as Dr. Kim Pendleton received public support from the Caddo Parish Public School district. However, this isn’t the first time a scholastic institution has violated children’s right to experience one of the most memorable moments of their adolescent lives. Last year, a high school banned students from prom if they had outstanding lunch debts.
Check out Rickey Smiley and company weigh in on Dr. Pendleton’s prom dress debacle in the video provided below.