LeBron James Reveals New "Space Jam" Logo, Poster Unveiled
Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes’ epic adventure in Space Jam is a large source of nostalgia for many readers of this website. The movie debuted all the way back in 1996 and to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the film, LeBron James is picking up where Jordan left off. For the last couple of years, a second Space Jam starring LeBron has been in the works, and in the summer of 2021, it is set to make it to the big screen.
Today, LeBron took to social media where he showed off his latest piece of Space Jam gear, which just so happened to have the official logo of the new movie. A brand new Twitter account called @spacejammovie confirmed the validity of the new merchandise, thus confirming the fact that the sequel is being called Space Jam: A New Legacy. In fact, a poster for the movie has just been revealed, as well.
As one would imagine, fans are pretty split on what they are seeing here. Some feel as though this poster and title are a great representation of what James is about to bring to the series, while others are already writing this movie off as a cash-grab. Clearly, not everyone is excited for a sequel although those people can speak for themselves.
This writer will be among those in line the first day the movie comes out.