Justin Bieber Opens Up About Wedding Jitters, Serenades Ellen With ‘Yummy’: Watch

Justin Bieber Opens Up About Wedding Jitters, Serenades Ellen With ‘Yummy’: Watch


JB also played some ‘Holey Puck’ with Ellen.

In case you weren't sure, yes, Justin Bieber's sensual single "Yummy" is about sex. Specifically, about the married pop singer's private time with wife Hailey.

"My sex life," he told Ellen DeGeneres on her show on Tuesday (Jan. 28) with a lusty nod as the comedian confirmed that she was just making sure that she'd understood it right. "That's what I thought it was," Ellen said, referring to lines about toes curling. "Yeah, it is what it is, right? I'm married, you know, so?" Justin responded with a shrug as he takes a couple deep gulps of water and asks if it's getting hot in the studio.

The frequent guest to the daytime talker — Ellen introduced him with a supercut montage of his 27 appearances over the years — presented the host with a big bouquet of flowers to celebrate her 62nd birthday. 

"I'm glad it worked out because she's an amazing, amazing, amazing person," Bieber said of his love after Ellen posted a picture of their first meeting as teens. "She's super precious. I enjoy spending my life with her." Though they'd discussed getting married before, Bieber said he was "extremely nervous" when he proposed, because even though he was confident she'd say yes, he was still worried about whether he was ready for the commitment.

"Am I able to make this commitment as a man and be able to honor, you know, what I say, you know because that's a serious commitment, when you say you're gonna love someone for better or for worse and like, be faithful,'" he explained. "That's huge. Am I able to do that?' And so I think that was really what I was battling with. And I finally was like, 'You know what? I'm gonna make the decision and follow through with it. Be a husband, and you know, this is what I've always wanted. I'm gonna just choose this woman and just do it.'"

Bieber thanked Ellen for always making him feel welcome on the show as they delved into some of the details of his new YouTube documentary series, Seasons, which explores how the dopamine overload he experienced during his initial rush of fame impacted his brain. Recalling that he was 15 when he started touring, Bieber, now 25, said he would be "giving, giving, giving" to his audience without understanding how to re-up his supply of the crucial neurotrasmitter that helps play a huge role in reward-motivated behavior.

"I don't understand how to… give myself the proper nutrients I need back and all that sort of stuff because I'm a kid," said Bieber, who rocked an Umbro sweatsuit, backwards baseball hat and 1970s cop mustache. "And I'm doing all the rest of this stuff too: growing up, experimenting with drugs and doing all that sort of stuff and so I just didn't realize the craziness that the toll my body would take. It was a lot." Justin busted out a sticker-covered acoustic guitar to serenade Ellen with some "Yummy" for her birthday, strumming along to the Seasons hit before leading the audience in a round of "Happy Birthday."

Bieber also played a game of "Holey Puck" with Ellen, who took the opportunity to share an adorable pic of an 8-year-old Justin in his full hockey gear. "If I score then they get tickets," Bieber confirmed to the squeals of the studio audience as he teased a big win that would them passes to his upcoming stadium tour. JB then cued up a couple pucks and failed to get it in the hole on three tries. 

"You guys still get tickets!" he yelled after the fourth shot went wide as the crowd went wild. The appearance coincided with the announcement of a Feb. 14 release date for Changes and the release of the Kehlani collaboration "Get Me." 

Watch Bieber on Ellen below.