Jimmy Butler Reveals What His Quarantine Routine Looks Like
Jimmy Butler is one of the more interesting characters in the NBA these days and he is always marching to the beat of his own drum. That’s why it shouldn’t be surprising when he reveals that he is doing the exact opposite of most people. For instance, in a recent interview with the Miami Herald, Butler revealed that he hasn’t seen a single second of the Michael Jordan documentary, “The Last Dance.”
Instead, Butler has been training at ungodly hours of the morning, while also kicking the soccer ball around when he has some spare time. Needless to say, the Miami Heat star is looking for alternative ways to pass the time in quarantine.
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“I haven’t seen this MJ doc. I haven’t seen it,” Butler said. “And I’m just like you know what, everybody is watching it so I’m gonna go outside and work on my true calling and I just kick a soccer ball around. […] Another day in the life. So bored,” Butler said. “… It’s the same [thing] every day for me. We’re in California. We wake up early as hell. So like we normally train at 5:30 a.m. and then we have not [expletive] to do for the rest of the day, literally.”
Butler’s Heat were having a very nice season prior to the NBA shut down and we’re sure he is eager to get back out on the court.