Drake’s “Nonstop” Lyrics Sparks Viral #FlipChallenge
It looks like an old Scorpion song from Drake is getting a new life thanks to a viral new TikTok & Triller challenge. If you haven’t seen it, there’s a #flipchallenge happening right now on these apps where fans are using Drake’s lyrics from “Nonstop” in their viral videos.
For the humorous challenge, two participants stand in a bathroom with the Drizzy track playing. When the 6 God raps his opening lines, “look, I just flipped a switch (flipped, flipped),” one person will turn the light switch off and back on. When the light comes back on, both people will have switched outfits and are acting as the other person. With that said, people have chosen to do different variations and put their own spins on it making for some hilarious moments. From babies to monkeys, the challenge has gone quite viral these couple weeks, and you can see for yourself why (below).
Of course, this isn’t the first time a Drizzy song has sparked a viral challenge. Back in 2018, with the help of internet comedian Shiggy, his hit single “In My Feelings” sparked arguably the biggest dance challenge of the year with the #InMyFeelingsChallenge.