Could Devin Finally Rise To The Top Of The Challenge?
The road from frat paddle to formidable competitor has been a long and winding one for Are You the One? alum Devin, who made his Challenge debut on Rivals III. But after five years on the show and a string of faux pas that have left the notorious pot-stirrer winless, could Double Agents finally be Devin’s game to lose?
On the show’s latest episode, Devin and his partner Nicole tested their brute strength in “Road Kill,†which challenged players — in two-team heats — to knock their opponents off of a moving truck (seriously!) without wearing a harness. The team who bowled over their opponents most quickly would win, and when the dueling-dust settled, it was Leroy and Kaycee who claimed victory, finally bringing Fessy and Aneesa’s winning streak to a screeching halt.
For Devin, who already felt vulnerable to the house’s Crater vote, things quickly went from bad to worse. Because of a shoulder injury Nicole sustained atop the “Road Kill†truck, she was forced to leave the game, rendering Devin an incidental Rogue Agent. And after starting a blowout fight with Josh by jeering “Big Brother sucks!†Devin all but sealed his fate: He was heading into the coming elimination round.
Though the most recent Crater game had been a men’s elimination event, TJ informed the players once they arrived at the elimination-round arena that, once again, two of the game’s dudes would duke it out for a Golden Skull. And Devin’s unlucky streak continued when Double Agents Leroy and Kaycee nominated Devin’s best friend in the house — Wes — into The Crater for a second time.
Still, Devin was determined to pull out a win.
“When you’re in that black sand, no one is your friend,†he said. “It’s me versus someone in the way of a Gold Skull.â€
And after a grueling fight, the Gold Skull was Devin’s. In “Snapping Point,†a spin on a reverse-tug-of-war, Wes couldn’t drum up the will to beat his friend and stay in the game, and though he was the odds-on favorite to win, it was Devin — who has a history of taking out huge players — who fought through the pain to claim victory.
“The last time I came on this show, I embarrassed myself,†Devin said. “I knew if I came back, I would go all the way.â€
And some of Devin’s fellow competitors were convinced.
CT noted that “Devin’s looking tough, while TJ observed: “Devin, that is the best performance I have ever seen [from you].â€
And Challenge newbie Amber put Devin’s success into perfect perspective: Don’t sleep on a party boy.
“He drinks a lot of beer, but do not let that fool you,†she said.
Though Devin’s victory meant he could easily snatch up Natalie, Wes’ former partner and one of the game’s strongest players, he decided, instead, to shake things up and steal his arch-nemesis Tori away from Cory. This, Tori noted, would likely make her game tremendously more difficult.

But can Devin keep his winning ways in motion, or is stealing Tori a disservice to his own game? And can Devin finally push through to the end of the competition and win? Share your thoughts, and be sure to check out Double Agents Wednesday, January 6 at 8/7c!