Conan O’Brien Roasts Adam Sandler While Presenting Best Actor Award
Adam Sandler may have been snubbed by the Oscars for his performance in the Safdie Brothers’ Uncut Gems, but the Movies For Grownups Awards paid him great respect. If you’re not familiar with the Movies For Grownups Awards, i’ll forgive you. It’s not the biggest award show in the entertainment industry, but it’s important nonetheless. The AARP-hosted ceremony recognizes the work of actors and filmmakers ages 50 and over and how this work communicates with elderly audiences. Furthermore, the proceeds from the event benefit the AARP Foundation, which is committed to building and sustaining communities among seniors across America.
The 19th annual Movies For Grownups Awards took place on January 11th and Adam Sandler was honored as Best Actor for his role in Uncut Gems. Conan O’Brien presented this award and, as you could guess, hilarity ensued. Not longer after O’Brien started introducing the award, Sandler rose and started making his way to the stage. The television host was baffled by Sandler’s premature move and he didn’t hesitate to roast him on the spot for it.
Michael Kovac/Getty Images
“You don’t come up yet, what’s wrong with you?” O’Brien exlaimed. “How long have you been in show business? That was sad!” Sandler shouted that he got up because O’Brien paused, but this explanation didn’t save him from his public shaming. “I hesitated to take a pause! In comedy you take pauses! You were like a chimp that saw a banana. You came running. What the hell was that?! We get to you!”
O’Brien then goes on to joke that Sandler’s role of “a charismatic gambling addicted jeweler” in Uncut Gems could be considered as a portrayal of Sandler’s true self. Watch it all unfold below.