Chris Evans Wants To Know: What’s Inspiring You To Vote This Year?
Today (October 24) is Vote Early Day, and MTV’s been celebrating with the Vote For Your Life Stream digital event, encouraging folks to get out there and cast their ballots. It’s a commemoration loaded with music performances and an onslaught of celeb appearances — and no civic duty-themed broadcast would be complete without Captain America himself, Chris Evans, working in partnership with actor Mark Kassen.
The actors joined a video chat with students from the civic engagement program A Starting Point (ASP), run through the democracy-engaging organization Close Up, to ask an important question to young people who are getting the vote out for the very first time in 2020: “What’s the issue that inspired you guys to vote this year?”
The answers, of course, were wide-ranging, spanning racial equity, gender equality, climate justice, health care, and more. The young first-time voters also spoke candidly about being able to diligently identify which news sources are legitimate and which seem set up to stoke the flames of outrage and fear-mongering.
Evans listened, learned, and expressed gratitude to the young folks for sharing their perspectives. After all, he’s been calling people’s attention to voting for years — perhaps most notably last month in a viral tweet that encouraged everyone to cast their ballot.
“Every time I speak with you guys, I feel so inspired,” he told the students. “It really does bring me a sense of confidence knowing that there’s this much focus and motivation coming from the next generation.”
You can learn more at VoteForYourLife.com